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Media reports of reablement in New Zealand

Reablement / Restorative home based support in New Zealand is based on work undertaken since the early 2000s as a response to NZ government policy.

Two successful and time limited examples within New Zealand are START and CREST services.

START (Supported Transfer and Accelerated Rehabilitation Team) was implemented in Waikato District Health Board in 2010 and has been the subject of two funded randomised controlled trials to determine its effectiveness.

CREST (Community Rehabilitation Enablement and Support Team) was implemented in 2011 in Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) following a disastrous earthquake that led to 185 deaths. CREST has produced huge results for the CDHB and is also being mirrored by other DHBs. It was rolled out in just three weeks after the quake to reduce pressure on the hospital. CREST offers a six-week rehabilitation programme to support patients in their own homes.