Professor Tine Rostgaard (Roskilde University and Stockholm University) is a social studies professor who specialises in the field of comparative policy analysis of welfare and social care of children and older people. Tine has conducted extensive research around social formal/informal care giving and care work, care related quality of life (ASCOT), quality of care and quality systems, as well as welfare indicators. She has also comprehensively examined qualitative and quantitative methods, including vignettes and RTC, observations and interviews. Tine’s latest projects focusses on active ageing policies and resilience in old age
Lea Graff, VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research. Leas primary research field is municipal health and care services for older adults, particularly home care and reablement as well as provider choice. Lea often works with a comparative perspective and has participated in several Nordic research projects on eldercare. At the present, she is finalizing her phd studies at OsloMet University in Norway, where she is conducting comparative studies of care and reablement in Danish and Norwegian municipalities.
Jette Thuesen, associate professor at University of Southern Denmark, Unit for User Perspectives and Community-based Interventions. Jette’s research includes the integration of reablement and rehabilitation in social and health care services for older people living with neurodegenerative disease (eg. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease) and how it is experienced by professionals and by older people living with neurodegenerative disease and their relatives. Her research interests also embrace everyday life of older people living with progressive diseases. Jette has a background in occupational therapy, social science and gerontology, and she holds a PhD in ageing, rehabilitation and user involvement. Member of the ReAble coordination group.
Amy Clotworthy is an assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). In Amy’s position at the Department of Public Health and the Center for Healthy Aging (CEHA), she conducts research into how health and social policies targeting older people influence the sociocultural dynamics of later life. She specialises in qualitative studies of health systems, medical education, and professional practices, and she is interested in elucidating how public-health policies and initiatives such as reablement programmes affect both health professionals and older people in their everyday lives.
With an emphasis on health practices and people’s experiences of health and ageing, Amy’s research also investigates how the Danish healthcare sector, hospitals, and municipal authorities can improve professional practices by recognising the complexity of older people’s life histories as well as the individual needs and priorities they express in their personal narratives.
Amy received her Ph.D. in Ethnology in 2017 and a Master’s degree (cand.mag.) in Applied Cultural Analysis in 2011, both from UCPH. Originally from the U.S., where she worked in publishing and corporate communications, Amy has lived in Denmark since 2008.
Mette Hartvig Hansen is a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, and lecturer at the degree programme in occupational therapy UCL University College Odense Denmark. Her research focus is on creating and implementing community-based rehabilitation interventions to enhance the participation in daily activities of people living with dementia and their loved ones. She is particularly interested in organizational learning as a form of social exchange and examines implementation from the perspective that all human interactions are transactions within a mutual and co-constitutive exchange.