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Restorative home support, a new approach.

Reablement or restorative home support is a new approach to delivering home support for older people.  It is a model of care focused on, where possible and appropriate, restoring an individual’s capability after an illness or other health setback and therefore restoring their quality of life.
Numerous countries, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, UK and US have been developing the approach for several years with some countries taking a very different interpretation. In 2018, a European research project was established to develop greater understanding on the area and brought together the above-mentioned countries to develop an international network of collaboration and development. The group representing academics and clinicians have met on seminars in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Currently we meet on a regular basis on webinars.

In January 2023, the ReAble research network consists of 55 members from twelve countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, UK and US). Hanne Tuntland (Norway) is the coordinator of the network, with Magnus Zingmark (Sweden) and Jette Thuesen (Denmark) as close collaborators. The network has an extended coordination group which consists of Silke Metzelthin (The Netherlands), Micelle Nelson (Canada), Fiona Aspinal (England), Elissa Burton and Hilary O’Connell (Australia), and John Parsons and Matthew Parsons (New Zealand) in addition to the three aforementioned persons.

The purpose of the network is to:

• Foster an international research network for information exchange on research publications and reablement news from the countries of the members.
• Apply for research funding to develop joint research projects, publications and conference contributions.
• Apply an interprofessional perspective to critically investigate the idea behind reablement, its application and implementation in different geographical contexts.

Click here for a short video describing reablement and the Reable network